Mizz Alex

Hollywood Undead: Swan Songs

Posted on: July 8, 2009

Hollywood Undead is a band I have listened to for a few years that I found on a friend’s myspace page. The first song I heard was “The Kids”, then I heard “Knife Called Lust” and the beat and rawness of it got me hooked. Many people try to classify Hollywood Undead but you just can’t. They are 6 guys who go balls to the walls with everything they say. They have such a range on their debut album Swan Songs with songs about showing your weenie and partying hard to songs about alcoholism, heartbreak, and suicide. They are a band that I looove and won’t get tired of.

They are currently on tour right now (TCB Tour with Red Jumpsuit Apparatus and others) after just getting back from a tour in Europe. Their hit songs are No.5, Undead and Young

Everywhere I Go
Black Dahlia
Sell Your Soul

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